
Saturday, June 5, 2010

pEngUmuMan ~

ari neyh bsamaan 5 Jun 2010
aku nk announce
dgn berat ati 
aku akan stop ber'blogging'..

tp hnyalah ntok seketika
tyme2 cuti cmney
keje aku hnyalah wt entry
tp msalahnyer
aku neyh suke sgt story psal korg kan?
kutuk korg sna cni
luahkan prasaan xtentu psal
mmg nk korg trasa
tp klaw da trasa
ckp la trasa
jgn la ckp xtrasa
pas2 ckp mcm2 bila aku wt entry psal korg

"nk bgtaw satu dunia ke~"

"bgus sgt la citer buruk2"


"mmg marah!"

sorry disturb korg nyer life..
smpai sgup nk tulis mcm2 kan?
xpenah nk pk pnjang
asal geram marah
tros tulis dlam blog

ntok pngetahuan korg
tue la function blog bgk aku
xpham lgk??
xpe la suka ati korg

pasnie klaw sakit ati ke senang ati ke
aku simpan je dlm ati neyh sorg2
xkcaw idop korg

to kak inah 
disebabkan problem neyh
no more info psal org2 umah
spnjang ah bcuti
so sorry
ah da xder mood nk wt entry
w'pon blmbak2 ah rsa nk tulis

to korg
sorry wt korg sakit ati
asal korg taw
smua tue luahan yg mmg aku nk korg trasa 
bia aku & korg pon sakit ati
jgn la nk blagak heartless
w'pon hakikatnyer x~!


  1. ini tidak adil!!!you can stop writing about them if you want...but stop from writing about my sibs are very not-so-good decision..

    mmg sejak mula pun, ah kena tau dah psl risiko tulis blog sakit hati la, org cemburu la, org marah la...that what you get when you write...tapi, utk kesekian kalinya akak nak ckp kat ah...AH ni terlau Pikir psl org lain have to have your own princip dear!!! kalo rs nak tulis sbb nak bgk org terasa, go for, next time org tu bjaga2 ckit nak ckp apa kt kita..jgn limitkan urself just bcoz people surronding you...

    satu lagi kalo ah rs sbb time cuti ni la ah dok tulis entry2 marah, sakit hati semo, jln pyelesaianny abukan dgn tak mnulis, TAPI dgn bhati2 mnulis...kalo dah trus xnak menulis, itu bukan jln pyelesaian namanya tapi jln putus asa or mgalah pada situasi..come on ah!! i know you know how to limit what you can write can? kurangkan marah, sakit hati,...this is a good way to change dear!! control it not avoid it..AVOIDING MEANS LOSER!!!!!

    hope you understand what i want you to understand..=)


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