one of my feveret TV show da start again!
kali neyh da msok musim yg ke-17
ofkos one and only
da msok mgu ke-4 da skrg
channel AXN ader tayang show neyh stiap malam ahad
disebabkn aku neyh hnyalah student
mne la ader astro kan kt umah
so aku mnggunakan kemudahan yg ader zaman skrg
sng ader tenet neyh
klaw tlepas bleyh tros on9 tgok
so aku xpenah missed satu episode pon skrg
wpon xder astro kan~
as usual
aku mstila ader feveret team kan
sbb tue la ikut show neyh
kalaw x msti da xtgok kalaw team2 diorg bosan
(tipoo laa..bosan pon aku msti tgok gk!)
kali neyh team feveret aku bnyk
sbb smua team pon best2
except 2-3 teams laa
tp yg terutama skali
mstila aku pilih satu je
NAT & KAT - the doctors
diorg neyh besfrenz
keje doctors
tp still dpt luangkn masa join show neyh
alangkah bestnyer kalaw aku pon ader chance cmtue satu ari nnti
travel satu dunia ngan org tsayang
(jom alia najwa jom! hahaha!)
da jdk pembakar smgat plak
sbb excited nk wt post psal show neyh pon sbb
last leg diorg comes FIRST!
tue yg best tue~
slalunyer aku akan support all-female team
sbb da bleh brangan tue aku
lgpon xpenah ader all-female team yg mng show neyh
so arap sgt the doctors neyh bleyh mng!
"chaiyok2 nat & kat!!"
from left :: Nat & Kat :: The Doctors :: my feveret all-female team ntok season neyh! ::
antara team laen yg aku support ntok season 17
from left :: Brook & Claire :: Home TV Shopping Partners :: diorg neyh smgt giler ::
from left :: Garry & Mallory :: Father & Daughter :: tgok diorg mcm kellie pickler ngan atok dia ::
from left :: Connor & Jonathan :: Ivy League A Capella Singer :: diorg bru tkuar sedeyh sgt ::
:: neyh smua team before start..ader 11 teams smuanyer :: da 3 teams kuar ::
all time all-female feveret team of mine...
from left :: Dustin & Kandice :: Beauty Queens :: diorg joined 2 season ::
1st2 diorg compete ntok season 10
finish no.4
season 11 ataupon all-stars season kumpul team2 yg penah compete sblom neyh
dustin & kandice pon tpilih skali lgk
xder rezeki ntok diorg mng
season all-stars diorg finish no.2
aku yg tgok neyh ttonggeng2 kowt
but still love their spirit
so my hope for all-female team mng
cipta sejarah amazing race
ofkos NAT & KAT!!
p/s :: no.17 please be lucky to the doctors..hoho!